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Sykler avsted med en sykkel hurra
Jeg elsker min tur, slikt fint vær, så bra
sykle frem og leve livet
denne sykkelen skal jeg spare da,

og aldri hive, for dette er livet!

Dette er livet!




Dikt pâ engelsk

<span style=»background-color: #00B8B8″>You know my article about a positive future?</p>
This article is very special,</p>
<u>Angels & Astronauts</u></p></p>
There is allways a really interresting.
subject to write about, you know.
Angels and astronauts might be one of them. Can you ever imagine</p>
a green door? A bag of fruit without phone messages? A blue</p>
spoon surrounded by plastic made by flowers? Are they really pointing</p>
the subject with any glue? Can you think of anything more fun?</p>
A planet from the sky he can allways listen to your smell. – you smel like</p>
plastic! He thinks. Clouds can be friendly, but they think that</p>
orange juice sounds good. He thinks.</p>
Why do you think pink and yellow is not orange enough? Can we eat</p>
the clouds if they are not too yellow? He thinks. A planet without</p>
angels and astronauts is like a spoon with green volleyball. He thinks.</p>
– a little poem by me

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