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Sykler avsted med en sykkel hurra
Jeg elsker min tur, slikt fint vær, så bra
sykle frem og leve livet
denne sykkelen skal jeg spare da,

og aldri hive, for dette er livet!

Dette er livet!



en engelsk fortelling basert pâ reisen min, som beskriver mitt daglige liv og den daglige stemningen ilôpet av kapittel 3 og 4 og 5, sâ man kan fôle hvordan det er â vêre meg og â leve i en filosofisk og eventyrlysten verden. Jeg skrev den mens jeg satt ved vannet.

The boy in Montpellier
Day 1.
All this rain. Why?
It was late August, so he knew why, but still he asked himself over and over «All this rain! Why?»
He was standing outside the book-store, he was looking at some books for 20 cent when it suddenly started to rain. He could not go away. It was raining too much. He had to keep his food dry. He turned the plastic bag with bread upsite-down to keep it dry. His Bicycle was his best friend, but there was nothing to do but wait. Wait till the rain stops. He was thinking of bicycling to Palavas when the rain was over. To the beach! But it was around 7 o’clock at the evening, and still all this rain. Pablo could not move! He was trapped by the book-store.

Day 2.
«Where am I?». Pablo saw the sunrise. He was dreaming a scary dream. Pablo believes in reincarnation so he thought that maby it was a memory from 100’000 years ago. A really scary dream. He was living in the stars and suddenly somebody put him to prison. The prison was planet Earth. Pablo was happy it was just a dream. Or some sort of old memories. But still, sometimes Earth might feel like a prison. But why should we care? There are nothing we can do about it. «Exept if we invent a spaceship or a time-machine, but I am neither an astronaut or some sort of crazy scientist, so I better keep bicycling to the beach.»
It was a nice morning. The day before was really hard for Pablo, but after all he managed it quite well. All this rain. He was wet all over his body. But he was wearing swimmingpants and a t-skirt, and his sleepingbag was not wet at all! When it stopped to rain the sun showed up, but few minutes later it was sunset, and it was nothing he could do about it. He just walked a lot to keep warm, and then he took his bicycle and his plan was to go to Palavas! Why not? He ended up in the highway! «Why? I allways end up bicycling along the highway! Where did the bicycleroad go?» He was screaming and shouting for about 30 minutes. Cars and trucks everywhere and it was midnight, but suddenly he found his bicycleroad again, and he decided to go to sleep. At least he was not wet anymore. So he found this place along the river, and fell asleep real quick and then this scary dream, like he was entering a time-machine.
He ate some breakfast. Most of his bread was dry. He was lucky! Bread and watter for breakfast. It was a sunny sunday morning so he wanted to go to Palavas. Why?
Pablo was thinking of the big questions of life. Just sitting quietly along the river. Why do we exist? Why do we eat food? Why do we bicycle to the beach just because we need extra time to try to find answers to those silly questions? The sun made his extra t-skirt dry. Pablo was angry. No reason, though.

Day 3.
«Where am I?» A new day. A new day with lots of questions about meaning of life at Pablos mind. He realised he was sleeping at the beach. At Marseillan Plage! «Why did I bicycle this far yesterday?» He thought the sunrise was really beautiful! Some lady was sitting in the sand in front of him. Suddenly she gave him a plasticbag with food. That was nice! She spoke to Pablo about God, then she suddenly disapeared. Not like an angel, though, but she just walked away. No reason for Pablo to be mad at her ofcause, because she gave him all this food! Cheese and apples and some piece of bread.  It was monday. «Why did I go to Marseillan Plage yesterday? I know Palavas might be like it’s too much tourists hanging around, but Frontignan Plage is good enough, no? Why did I go all the way to Marseillan Plage?» He was angry. No reason, though. Ate some bread and made a sand castle. Nobody noticed. Then Pablo fell asleep again. At the beach. Why not?

Day 4.
«Why this balloon?». Then he realised it was not a balloon at all, but a plastic ball. The wind stole the ball from some kids and placed it beside Pablos bicycle. No other explanation possible! But there were no people at the beach. It was sunrise again. All this sunrises and all this waking up at the beach, and then this plastic ball showed up from nowhere. Why? It made Pablo confused. His mind was out of controll just because of this plastic ball. Why not a skateboard or some sort of italian food like like an italian pizza with extra cheese on it, why this random plastic ball out of nowhere? Pablo took a deep breath. Why all this stupid questions for no reason? Why are we human beings after all?
Pablo thought it would be nice to be a fish. Then he took a swim at the beach, and he found a nice piece of wood for his sand-castle. Then he jumped on it. No reason, though. He just thought it might be fun. It was not. Pablo thought about the nice lady from the other day. Then he just wanted to sleep again. He didn’t.

Day 5.
Bicycling again! Too much sun yesterday, Pablo thought. «Why all this sun when I am not happy, it makes no sense to me!» Pablo was angry. No reason, though. Or maby some. He wanted to go back to Montpellier. To pick some apples again. Any reason to visit Palavas? Pablo was angry at himself. Why? Because it was another day of sun, but still he was not in the mood of Palavas. He felt it was a waste of time. Time with sun. Soon there would be rain again, and he was not in the mood for the beach. Pablo was sad this wednesday. All this sun and Pablo was sad, and he felt it was no reason to cry, but a little tear on his left eye took a big jump away from his face. Nobody noticed. Pablo asked a baker for some bread, and he got two giant baguettes. It was late at the day. «What happened with the time this morning? I can not remember some sort of time-machine?» He was back in Montpellier. Ready to sleep, but he was not tierd at all. He was mad at his baguettes. No reason. He just didn’t like them. The baguettes confused him. Why would anyone give him baguettes for free in the morning? But it was not the morning it was soon midnight, but Pablo could not remember any time-machine.
Pablo throw his baguettes away. Now it was time to find some food, because he was hungry. He smiled. No reason.

Day 6.
Pablo tried to tell a bird it was a tree. The bird did not listen. Pablo screamed at the bird. Then the bird fly away. Pablo could not understand why. He just wanted to help. But Pablo could not understand how the tree could learn how to fly. He was confused. Sitting in the park. Like it’s the top of the world, or at least the top of Montpellier, and then a tree just jumps away. Why would anyone notice it anyways? Pablo wanted to buy a cup of coffee, but he had no money. Maby he could ask a statue, but all the statues tried to tell Pablo he was a yellow blueberry. «Have you ever spoke to a yellow blueberry before, and you can tell them I am not one of them!» Pablo screamed to the statue next to him. The statue said Pablo was wrong, and Pablo ended up in the hospital. «Maby the statue was right…» The doctors gave Pablo some medication. Pablo fell asleep.

Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10.
Pablo was trapped in some sort of labyrint. «Why would the statue do this to me?» He screamed at some human beings dressed in white sweaters, but they would not listen to a yellow blueberry after all. A lady said to Pablo it was monday and monday is the green pills, she told him. It reminds Pablo of the lady on the beach from last week. Maby she was just an imagination, he thought.
Pablo ate some grapes, but he wanted to make a time-machine, or a spaceship! Pablo did so. Then he ended up in prison on another planet. He was angry. No reason. After all it was just a dream.
The end.

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