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Referat fra King’s Kids International 21/11-2014

Referat KKI

Som eneste nordmann pà arrangementet gjorde jeg et lite referat pà norsk. Mest for à fange den gode stemningen der og bringe videre til norge.

Etter pause
En fra òsterrike holder mikrofon og forteller. Historie fra livet sitt. Han begynte med à spòke om at han ikke syns han er god i engelsk, men jeg syns han er god i engelsk. Han forteller om at han sang med barn, og fikk dem til à lese bibelen. Han forteller at et barn begynte danse. Han sier vi skal synge. Han sier konen hans lager musikk, og bruker ordet fra Gud. Han sier at det fikk barna til à danse. Han sier Gud ròrer ved hjertet til mennesker. Han sier Gud bruker hjertet til mennesker. Han sier han har en DVD historie. Han sier de danser. Din Gud er min Gud, sier han. Vi ser filmen. Filmen er fin.

Referat slutt.

Bilder fra KKI lastet opp fra deltagere

Daniel .


The pianoboy in Perpignan.

It was nice to play the piano. Hidden behind his second identity. Police everywhere. He was surrounded by the police all the time. Lots of them was in sivile. But the pianoman just wanted to play the piano. Sometimes he walked at the shop to buy himself a baguette for 35 cent. Then he walked back to the trainstation to play another melody. He was living on the street, but he enjoyed it very much! He got some friends in the village, not too many, but enough, and the pianoman enjoyed hanging out  with his friends. He knew where to find water for free, and to get money he was begging on the street sometimes, not too often, though, because all he needed was this lovely beguettes, and he just placed a piece of paper in front of himself, all what was written on the paper was “0€, worldtraveler & heartbroken”, and he was whisteling, like it was his instrument number 2, and he enjoyed it very much. But to talk about his heart it was a story from the past. He thought he was over all the crying-stuff. All he wanted to do was to play the piano and to forget his life and his family.
He looked at himself as a shadow. A shadow of a life that never wore
All that exists was the emotions from the piano when you play the piano, he thought. Nothing else matter. He just wanted to be free.
That is why he run away to france and changed his identity. That is why he run away to Perpignan, to play the piano at the trainstation.

That is how his journey began. The journey of a secret life.

He met another guy living on the street. It is like you have your house on your shoulders, litterally. The pianoman enjoyed living like this. But he also knew that to most of people living on the street it is not fun at all.
The pianoman was sitting in the sun, writing, while the other guy living on the street was washing his face and drinking some watter.
The pianoman was thinking of life. The big questions.
Here is one of them:
– is there any reason to do any meaningful activities?
Here is one answer:
– no, why can not we just relax and enjoy life?
The only meaningful activities the pianoman could think of at that time was to raise childrens. And secondly:
– to play the piano and shit and eat and breath, and sometimes have a sleep.

His biggest dream was to raise childrens, but the society around his “real” life was too busy making fun of him and ignoring him so that he felt that there were no reason to stay at home at all. His old life was no longer a human being. Everybody forgot about his feelings. Even all his best friends and his family.

The pianoman thought it was nice to live outside. He was not doing any drugs, so it was easy for him. He enjoyed looking at the stars every night.
He thought that he wanted to go and beg for some money again.
He didn’t.

He walked to the trainstation instead. He enjoyed listening to other people playing the piano. His feet was painful because of all this walking, because he walked from Agde to Perpignan in 3 days, just so that he could live on the street, and to forget about all his bad memories from the past.

It was 1. of octobre, and the piano stayed at the trainstation till christmas, so there were no need for the pianoman to count hours or days. All he wanted to do with his life was to relax with his friends in Perpignan. And then later maby travel a little more.
But not too much, though, and then he want to go back to Perpignan once again.
It is only about 25 kilometres from Perpignan to spain. Not far for the Pianoman to walk, when he have all the time in the world.

At the trainstation in Perpignan there are people from all over the world.

The pianoman was at the shop and bought a bread and a half kilogram of sugar. Then he ate slices of bread with sugar. He ate together with a couple of his friends from the village. Then a securityguy talked to the pianoman. No reason, the securityguy just wore a little chatty. He asked the pianoman where he was from, and the pianoman said Sweden. The securityguy asked about which willage in Sweden, and the pianoman said Göteborg. The securityguy told the pianoman it is easy to get a job in Perpignan when you speak english.
“Maybe try out something about tourism!” the securityguy said. The pianoman thought it could be a good idea. But not easy with a fake identity, though.

He went to the shop and bought himself a chocolate for 29 cent. Then he hang out with his friends a little again, and then he went to the street to beg for money. Then the police told him he could not do that. Then he talked to the police a few minutes. They did not ask him to show his visacard or passeport, so he was lucky. After all he was happy the police did not ignored him. The pianoman had no reason to be angry at the police in Perpignan. But the pianoman had to find other ways to make money.

He went at the trainstation to play the piano again, and some guy from Barcelona gave him a bottle with fruitjuice. Then the pianoman asked the Barcelonaman if he had any email-adress. The Barcelonaman wrote his email-adress on a piece of paper. Then the Barcelonaman took the train to Barcelona.
“I want to go to Barcelona soon!” the pianoman thought. “And then I want to go back to Perpignan later!” he added.

The pianoman walked around in the village and he asked some bakers if they had any baguettes for free. Then he walked to visit a friend, but he was not at home. The pianoman ate some of his sugar, but after all he was not that really hungry. It was afternoon, he wanted to find a nice place to sleep for the night.

He followed the river a little and he found a nice place under the bridge. Then he put his feet in the water. He thought of different alternatives how to go to spain. He could travel through the beach. If he travel through the mountain it is only about 25 kilometres.

Some cool guy talked to the pianoman. He said he could help the pianoman with a place to stay for the night. The pianoman said yes. Why not?

2. of october 2014
The pianoman had a very good sleep, and a very good breakfast!
This nice people gave a lot of things to the pianoman, and helped him to wash his clothes. They gave him t-skirts, pants, a nice sweater and even a backpack! They also let him go at the internet at their computer, so that the pianoman could continue his mision about changing his identity. He read that somebody in his hometown wrote “haha, I bet he is still in france!”
Yeah, they were right, but the pianoman was smiling. Because he knew it was only about 25 kilometres to spain, and the pianoman enjoyed walking, and he had everything he needed to travel, exept food, but food would be found from time to time.

The pianoman was at the trainstation again. Doing one of his silly writings as allways. Maby time to play the piano again, he thought.

The pianoman played at the piano and smiled. Some policemen, 4 of them actually, smiled at the pianoman, not knowing about this pianoman is the guy everybody is looking for the coming weeks, and here he was, right in front of them, playing at the piano, but nobody knew it was him, and that is why he smiled, but maby the reason he was smiling was because he was really sad inside and wanted to hide it. Have you ever seen a crying pianoplayer before?
The pianoman wanted to show his emotions by the piano, not by his face. Because of all his hard days when he was younger it was so easy for him to hide feelings, and to allways say: “I am happy, my life is perfect!”
What the pianoman really wanted was as mentioned before: to raise childrens.
He wanted to raise happiness around him. Nobody from his hometown would understand that.

He sat some minutes in front of the trainstation in the shadow of a little tree. It was very hot. He wanted to go to the beach! It is about 20 kilometres to the beach. Then he could start the walking to Barcelona if he wanted.
It was a nice warm day. A lady was sitting next to him. Then the pianoman and the lady was talking and laughing together a little bit. She was from france and she showed the pianoman some nice places at the map of france. Then she had to go to take the train. The pianoman thought it was nice to talk a little bit.

There was a lot of worldtravelers just like the pianoman hanging around in Perpignan these days. Maybe he could find some people to travel with. He met an english guy a couple of weeks ago, but the english guy said he wanted to travel alone. But both of them was heading of in the same directions, so maybe the pianoman would meet him later.

It was sun, a really nice day, the pianoman was smiling. Inside he was really sad.

He wanted to walk to Barcelona! By the beach.

The pianoman played a little at the piano again. He made a new melody. He knew that he would be missing this piano very much when he go to spain! But the pianoman wanted to go back to Perpignan later.

The pianoman met 3 people from Germany

3. of octobre
The pianoman and the 3 people had a lot of fun and sleeped under a bridge near the river, but then the pianoman walked away from them, and he walked to the trainstation. He wanted to jump in front of a train. He didn’t.
He had too much emotions on his heart. He didn’t knew what to do with his life. Life made no sense to him. He was wondering why the world exists. Because if there were no world there would be no tears either.
But if there were no tears there would be no reason to make ballads, he thought. He was thinking about this for a while, and listening to a girl playing at the piano. She played a real sad melody. The pianoman wish he wore dead. Like allways. He wanted to work as a clown, like in the birthdays to childrens.
He wanted to walk to barcelona, and forget about his real life, just start all over with his false identity.

He could not understand why his life was so painful. How could his heart survive all this pain?
How is life when you are dead? Not too bad?
The pianoman wanted to make ballads.
About life.
The pianoman then played more sad melodies at the piano than ever.
Then he walked to pick some water.

Then he wanted to beg for some money. As “The whisteling guy”.

A lady gave him 50 cent, and it was enough for a baguette.
then the pianoman asked a shop for free food and he got a baguette and a cheese. Then he walked back to the trainstation and at the trainstation he met the guys from germany, and he started to hang out with them again.

They found a nice place to sleep behind a shoppingsentre a little bit on the outside of the village centre, and the pianoman found a lot of baguettes for free.

4. of octobre
They took a cup of coffee together, and then the pianoman was at the wc at the trainstation, listening to the music from the radio at the wc, and he washed some cloths at the sink, and then he ate some baguettes with sugar and made himself some ice-tea while he relaxed in the sun outside the trainstation. He was thinking about what he wanted to do. He thought he wanted to stay in Perpignan some more days. No reason to hurry to Barcelona. He wanted to date some girls. He found 2,50euro at the ground, so he had money for little more food. He also got some food from the german people. The pianoman knows the city of Perpignan a little bit, so he looked at himself as a tourist guide to those german people.

The pianoman walked back to the place with the piano at the trainstation. He really wanted to meet some girls.

The pianoman calculated a way to go from Perpignan to spain for only 2,2 euro when he combined the bus and the train. He had 3 euros in his pocket.

He played at the piano once again. Then he met the german guys , and they was sleeping under the bridge again.

5. of octobre
The pianoman was early awake in the morning, and it was raining! His sleepingbag was a little wet, but not so much. The 3 german guys was still asleep while the pianoman was looking at the river. He thought his lifestory was too crazy for him to keep it all by himself. What he really wanted was a girl to hold his hand. He thought his life was too much emotions. Even the good ones, because he wanted to share the good experienses with somebody. The adventures. The lucky days. The smiles.

The birds started to sing, but it was still raining.

Then he walked to the piano at the pianostation again, and a lot of childrens was running around him. The pianoman had a dream, he wanted to be a clown at birthdaypartys!

He used the rest of his money to buy a bread. He thought he wanted to search for a job in Perpignan, because he loves this place.

He met the german guys again, and at the evening they found a place to sleep under a bridge again, not the same bridge as last time, though.

6. of octobre
They walked a little to look for “hotel sosial”, but then it was too late to get a free breakfast and a free shower. They met a couple of people and they relaxed in a park and spoke together. The pianoman said to them he wants an apartment and a job in this city.

Then the german people walked to an internetcafè, and the pianoman walked to the place where he could beg for money as “The whisteling guy” so that he could buy himself a breakfast. He got 2,30 euro, then he bought a baguette and 1 kilogram of sugar and 500 grams of bread at the shop. He met some of the people living on the street and he ate bread with them.

Then he was at the pianostation again. The police asked him about identification, and the pianoman said that his passeport was stolen, and the pianoman gave his real name and birthdate to the police. No reason to lie at this moment.
Two beautiful girls sat next to the pianoman at the trainstation. The pianoman asked the beautiful girls if they wanted to keep an eye to the pianomans backpack and his plasticbags while he wanted to walk to pick some water, and the beautiful girls helped the pianoman, and then the pianoman ate some food again.

He played a little piano and spoke to some spanish and argentinian people.

7. – 15. of octobre
Some days passed by, the pianoman relaxed in Perpignan, played a little piano at the trainstation now and then, and some people in Perpignan helped the pianoman to have a place to sleep at Hôtel Sosial, so he had 6 nice days at Hôtel Sosial for free and ate a lot of fantastic food, but he felt a little sick, probably because he had been sleeping outside for such a long time. But that is why he felt that Hôtel Sosial was perfect timing, the pianoman thought that his angels must have been doing a good job.
He met some people around the trainstation and he got more email adresses and phone numbers from people living in Barcelona. The securityguy gave 2 euro to the pianoman. The pianoman was at the Mediateque and found some books to learn more french, and also he found some english books to read. The pianoman met a bitish guy who wanted to help the pianoman to spain, he wanted to walk with the pianoman this dangerous 6 kilometres from Cerbère to Portbou, and he said his parents was millionaires, but then the next day the pianoman could not find the british guy, because Perpignan is too big. “Skien!” he said. It is a word people in the pianomans country sais when they get angry.
Then, at 15. of octobre the pianoman made a false profile of an inportant person in his homevillage, just because he was bored. He had some money for internet café.
Then he fell asleep next to a bridge. It was not raining. I forgot to mention that the pianoman was hanging out with a girl from Luxembourg some of these days.

16. of octobre
This was a day with lots of things going on. The pianoman was early awake after a good sleep and he had enough money to buy 1 bread and to buy 20 minutes at the internetcafe. He did so. The pianoman read about himself in the local newspaper from his homecity at the internet. “Haha”, he thought. But the pianoman was empty of money, so he wanted to beg for money as “the whisteling guy” again. He did so and he got 7 euro. Then he bought a lot of food and he met the girl from Luxembourg again, and they relaxed in the sunshine, and then they decided to meet again the next day, and then the pianoman was at the internet café and he made a false profile of the manager of the footballteam from his homevillage. Only one month to the cupfinal of his homecountry and the pianoman made a false profile of the manager of one of the teams in the final. Reason: the pianoman was tierd of people ignoring him. Second reason: the pianoman was bored.
Then the pianoman was whisteling once again because he was empty of money, and he got another 7 euro! He bought a bread for 62 cent. He was sad because the internetcafe was closed because it was late. He met some of his friends living on the street. The pianoman thought “hmm, time to play a little piano again?”
The pianoman was at the internetcafe to chech the openingtime. 09 o’clock, it said. He wanted to go to the internetcafe the next morning.

17. of octobre
The internetcafe was boring, the pianoman thought. Then he was whisteling and he got 5 euro. Then he wanted to walk to spain. Then he changed his mind. Then he fell asleep in a park.

18. of octobre
The pianoman was hanging out with the girl from Luxembourg. Relaxing in the city. Then they was sleeping under a bridge.

19. of octobre
The pianoman was whisteling as “The whisteling guy”, and a teenager girl gave him 1,70 euro. Some minutes later a guy gave him a piece of bread. Then the pianoman relaxed by the river. The pianoman was thinking of life. What is the meaning of life? To make peace! The only answer he could think of at this moment, because the pianoman was a little sad. But how do you make peace when you have no money, just a little bit? At least you can show your smile, but how do you show your smile when you are sad? “Well, I can just smile anyways, maybe it helps.” he thought. So he decided to smile, even if his eyes was sad, but he could smile anyways, why not? He decided to write some poems.

20. of octobre
A normal day. The pianoman hang out with the lady from Luxembourg, he played a little piano, he was whisteling a little as “The whisteling guy”, and then he fell asleep under the bridge again. Just like normal.

21. of octobre
The pianoman and the lady from Luxembourg had a free breakfast, and the pianoman was at the internet café. Positive news! But at the same time life in Perpignan was more beautiful than ever. The pianoman met the british guy again! The guy who wanted to help him to spain. The british guy helped the pianoman with different things. They was to a place where the pianoman got a ticket to buy food for 10 euro! And he helped the pianoman with internet. And he gave some food to the pianoman and coffee. They decided to meet again the next day.
At the evening the pianoman played at the piano at the trainstation a lot. Even the police stoped and stared at the pianoman when he played at the piano. The police gave him compliments. And a lady said to the pianoman that a lot of people played at the piano, but nobody played as good as the pianoman, she said. She said that no pianoplayer at the trainstation got as much attention as the pianoman got. It was a windy Tuesday. No doubt. The pianoman thought that the reason he played better at the piano than ever was because of all the emotions he got from this things happening in his homecity. Because he was not sure it was good or bad news. It made him full of emotions. “More emotions tomorrow, I guess!” he thought.

22. of octobre
Not much sleep under the bridge this night because of the wind, but it was a nice free breakfast in the morning again. Then the pianoman met the british guy at the library, and the british guy helped the pianoman to get some money from the homecountry to the pianoman, from his dad. He got 45,97 euro!

23. of octobre – 21.of novembre
The pianoman was fucking around in Barcelona. No reason, though. He nodded.

22.of nobembre
Then he travel to another place. Nobody noticed. Most people thought he was dead. Why not.

23.of novembre
His local team from his hometown in his homecountry was the champions in the Cup-final, go Odd !

24.of novembre
Where did the pianoman and his quiet tears go? Possible he be like.. dead? The angels nodded sadly.

The end.


Hurra! Resten fra Lydkapittel 2 og begynnelsen kapittel 3.

80 81 82

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

Bakerste museknapp: last ner,


resten av kapittel 3 pluss kapittel 4 og 5 er stjàlet

Be happy

vh daniel


The boy in Narbonne.

The boy in Narbonne

Day 1.
Too much walking. Pablo was tierd. He lost his bicycle a week ago. His best friend! Why would Pablo walk all the way from Agde to Narbonne within 24 hours? Here is the reason:
– he just wanted to walk a lot! Even if it was cloudy, so that he never knew if it would begin to rain.
Now the time was about 10 o’clock at the evening and Pablo needed  a place to sleep. He found some food. He ate it. A moment later he was ready to sleep.
He found a place near the buss station.
He used his sleepingbag at the ground and tried to sleep. It started to rain, though.
Some sort of angry emotions at Pablos face arrived. “I hate my life!” he said.

Day 2.
While Pablo was sitting at the trainstation in the morning some lady gave Pablo 100’000 euros in cash! No reason, though. She just wanted to help. “Stupid girl”. Pablo smiled at her. “I do not want 100’000 euros in cash!”, he said. Then the lady run away.
Pablo bought ice-cream for 100’000 euros, and then he sold it to a baker for one and a half cent. Because Pablo did not want ice-cream either. “I want a car!” he said. The Baker asked Pablo if he wanted a free ice-cream.
“Yes, but no” Pablo said. The baker asked Pablo if he wanted a time-machine. “Not really” Pablo said. “Only if I have to!”
The baker nodded. Then he said “You can use it as a car.”

Day 3.
Pablo traveled back to Day 1.

Day 1.
Pablo gave himself an extra sleepingbag. “Thank you” Pablo said. “I’m welcome!” Pablo said.
Pablo traveled 100’000 days into the future!

Day 100’001
Pablo bought a book of mathmatics.
Pablo traveled 100’000 days into the past.

Day 1.
“I love my sleepingbag!” Pablo said. “Me too!” Pablo said. Then Pablo traveled back to Day 3.

Day 3.
Pablo gave away his mathmaticsbook from the future, and then Pablo got Nobel Peace Prize in Mathmatics and 500’000 euros. In cash. “I DO NOT WANT MONEY, I WANT A CAR!” he screamed in his Nobel Peace Prize speech.
He walked at Lidl, not far from Narbonne, and he bought himself an orange and a spaceship. “I want a plasticbag! “Pablo said. The lady at Lidl smiled. “3 cent is not enough” she said.
Pablo was confused. Then he took his spaceship at the highway and drove to Montpellier in 0,05 seconds. And then he hit the reverse-button by accident and he drove to Perpignan in 0,13 seconds. Some sort of angry emotions at Pablos face arrived. “I hate my life!” he said. Then he found a place to sleep under a bridge.

Day 4.
Pablo got the idea of a new invention! He put together his spaceship and his time-machine in a coffee machine, and then he traveled to a universe far away – in time and space. Then he fell asleep in front of a statue.

Day 5.
Pablo woke up in the middle of a funny dream. It was about Pablos future. About 100’000 days into the future somebody stole his book! It was like the worst nightmare you can ever imagine. Pablo could not remember how to get back to planet Earth and Narbonne. He decided to do some mathmatics. Then he died, and somebody stole his book at the funeral. Pablo reinkarnated as God, but Pablo didn’t like it. He decided to punish the guy who stole his book with the same destiny as himself. Then he reinkarnated. As a yellow blueberry in Montpellier a 100’000 days ago. No reason, though.

The end.


DanielsVLOGG 2


velkommen til denne nye metoden, med laste opp Vlogg, Daniels vlogg video nummer to, det blir bra! Vi var rundt i byen i hele natt og hele dag.

Her er dagens Vlogg video, fra i dag 13. november 2014, hey

VID Vlogg2


vh daniel,


Daniels Vlogg -1


Her kommer et @@spesial@@ reisevlogg opptak, for det er fra tidligste gangen jeg lagde reiseblogg i historien, dette var i 2013 i rundt april, da fikk dere se hva som er bra med vlogging for det var tidligste gang, men det blir brelett og ost og majones som man kan spise hvis man er sulten da vet du men her er tidligste vlogg fra reise tur aldri sur bare glad nesten veldig glad

Daniel_Rnjom_turen bra 


vh dnaiel d


DanielsVLOGG 1


velkommen til denne nye metoden, med laste opp Vlogg, Daniels aller tidligste vlogg video, gratulerer begynnelsen! Her er alle tidligste video, og bli med meg, detta blir bra hipp hura en tapp en pupp med melk.

Sjekk opp Daniels tidligste VLOGG video fra Barcelona.




Daniels sang forslag 1


jeg blogger i vei blogger blogger blogg hei for en blogg hvor du gikk.
Vel. Her er forslag til en fin sang. Hei, hey, du, oi, den var passende nettopp her, slik at her har du en fin sang, everybody, listen to sangen min jeg foreslo slik at her kommer den:


hint: tide bevege seg igjen. Sjekk den latteren fra mestern i hvit genser med mange sweet cool smiles.

Regards from

Reisebloggmesteren over alle reiseblogger



DanielsLydkapittel1 Perpignan, lydopptak 1

Hei, velkommen til en ny reiseblogg kapittel, gravd opp fra fortiden ! Her er lydkapittel 1 fra da jeg var i Perpignan der jeg var mine fòrste fire uker i Frankrike.

Ps, dette lydopptaket er historisk, for det er fòrste lydopptaket jeg noen sinne tok opp, og fra den dagen tok jeg opp lydopptak hver dag

Dikt om det
Reise pà langs og pà tvers
lage et nytt hàplòst vers
jeg reiser opp og ned og i mente
hva skal jeg hente

livet er en bæsj


vennleig helsing daniel 🙂


Del 2 lydopptak 20 / 40

Lytt videre til denne glitrende reisebloggen,
nytt lydopptak hele tiden

minus søndager som er fridag?

ny runde lydopptak

Kommentar til dagens lydopptak:
– ingen kommentar


Sykler avsted med en sykkel hurra
Jeg elsker min tur, slikt fint vær, så bra
sykle frem og leve livet
denne sykkelen skal jeg spare da,

og aldri hive, for dette er livet!

Dette er livet!



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